Faire Cabane

In collaboration with Anna Mareschal de Charentenay, we explored the potential of tree-house building as a method to foster togetherness, (re)intergrate one's local environnement and think collaboratively.

Anna Mareschal de Charentenay –

Our facilitator, Leo Bakx at –

Meeting Groung #4: The Community Garden – , 2021

We imagine the treehouse as an experimental space, one which invites us to question essential notions such as living together, collaborating, inhabiting and creating society.
This growing community of friends and relations requires that a method for collaboration be established.
Workshops are organised where everyone brings a tool and a food item, to participate in both the construction and life of the treehouse.
The treehouse is located in a park that is open to the public. This particular location pushes us to think of this object as a common that can be appropriated by all.
We share meals and organise events.
In January of 2022, the real estate agency that owns the park destroys the treehouse. The multiple uses and apporpriations of this place disturb them.


Open-source DIY Bike Trolley

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Summer Hut in garden

Panel Talk: The Cat in the Black-box

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Summer Hut in garden

Urban Material Foraging Manifesto

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