Offline portal for Low-tech Magazine

In collaboration with Kris de Decker. We built an "Off-line Portal" to present Low-tech magazine's critical ideas on degrowth and the climate crisis through images from the blog.

Excerpt from No-tech Magazine mention of the exhibition, written by Kris de Decker: "Here’s our off-line portal to the solar powered website at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. Designed and built in collaboration with Marie Verdeil. We formed part of Arne Hendriks’ Hara Hachi Bu village, which celebrates the Japanese principle that enough is enough: “Eat until you are 80% full”."

Visit Low-tech Magazine –

The Offline-portal at DDW 2021
Each image features a QR to the source article on the website.
Anna is reading an article on Low-tech Magazine


Open-source DIY Bike Trolley

Faire Cabane

Summer Hut in garden

Panel Talk: The Cat in the Black-box

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